
Mastering Character Consistency in Stable Diffusion

December 18, 2023

1. Starting with a Detailed Prompt: A Foundation for Character Consistency

Creating a character in Stable Diffusion SDXL begins with crafting a detailed and precise prompt, a critical step that sets the tone for your entire character creation process. This initial stage is where you define the core attributes of your character, ensuring that every element — from physical appearance to clothing and demeanor — is clearly envisioned and articulated.

The importance of a detailed prompt cannot be overstated. It serves as the blueprint for your character, guiding the AI in generating images that align closely with your vision.

Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor
Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor

When dialing in the look of your character, consider aspects like age, gender, facial features, hair color, and body type. For instance, specifying "Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor," immediately gives the AI a clear direction. The more detailed your description, the better the AI can interpret and render your character accurately.

Clothing is another crucial element to include in your prompt. The choice of attire not only adds personality to your character but also plays a significant role in maintaining consistency across different images. Clothing can indicate the character's role, personality, or even the setting they belong to.

Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor, wearing a yellow sundress and black Mary Janes
Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor, wearing a yellow sundress and black Mary Janes

Specifying "wearing a yellow sundress and black Mary Janes" not only adds color and style to your character but also helps the AI maintain these details in subsequent iterations. Mentioning shoes will also help generate full body poses.

Equally important is the mention of the main expression or demeanor. Describing your character as "joyful" sets a baseline for the character's mood and personality, which is essential when generating various expressions later. This initial emotional cue is pivotal in ensuring that, regardless of the pose or scenario, your character retains her inherent spirit.

Finally, proportions and age play a significant role in how your character is perceived. Specifying age helps the AI in rendering appropriate physical attributes, while mentioning proportions ensures that the character maintains a consistent body type across different images. For example, mentioning "a petite build" or "tall and athletic" can significantly influence the resulting images.

In summary, a detailed prompt is the cornerstone of successful character creation in Stable Diffusion SDXL. By meticulously defining the look, clothing, main expression, proportions, and age, you establish a strong foundation that guides the AI in generating consistent and accurate representations of your character. This initial step is crucial in achieving a high level of consistency and coherence in your digital art projects.

2. Extending for Diversity: Building a Comprehensive Character Sheet

When your foundational prompt is finely tuned, the journey of creating consistent characters in Stable Diffusion SDXL progresses to a pivotal stage: extending the prompt for diversity. This step is about instructing the AI to evolve from a single image to a more comprehensive character sheet.

Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair and a petite build, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor, wearing a yellow sundress and black Mary Janes, (character sheet, multiple views, character turnaround, white background:1.2)
Jill, a young girl with short ginger hair and a petite build, pale skin, and a joyful demeanor, wearing a yellow sundress and black Mary Janes, (character sheet, multiple views, character turnaround, white background:1.2)

By incorporating phrases such as "character sheet, turnaround, multiple views" into your prompt, you're directing the AI to produce a diverse array of images that collectively provide a 360-degree view of your character. This rich visual collection is essential for a deep and complete understanding of your character from all perspectives.

In this phase, it’s recommended to use a wide landscape format, specifically 1536 pixels wide by 640 pixels tall. This specific aspect ratio is standard in SDXL and is particularly effective for a couple of key reasons. Firstly, it allows for the placement of multiple characters or character poses side by side, facilitating a more comprehensive and cohesive character sheet. This layout is ideal for showcasing different angles and poses without the need for multiple files or a cluttered arrangement.

The wide landscape format also enhances the AI's ability to generate detailed and proportionally accurate images. The extended width provides ample space for the character(s) to be displayed in various poses, ensuring that each pose is distinct and clearly visible. This format is particularly beneficial when working with multiple characters or when you want to display a single character in a series of actions or expressions.

Moreover, this standardized format streamlines the subsequent steps in your character creation process. Whether it’s for refining, upscaling, or integrating these images into larger projects, having a consistent aspect ratio ensures uniformity and ease of editing. It also simplifies the task of arranging and comparing different iterations of your character, as all images will align perfectly in size and scale.

In sum, extending your prompt to include diverse character representations in a wide landscape format is a strategic move in Stable Diffusion SDXL character creation. It not only ensures a thorough and varied depiction of your character but also aligns with standard practices for ease of use and further processing. This step sets a strong foundation for the next phase of your character creation journey: iterative generation and refinement.

3. Iterative Generation: Refining for Perfection

The process of iterative generation in Stable Diffusion SDXL is a delicate balance of art and precision, where each step is carefully calibrated to enhance the character's clarity and detail. This phase begins by dissecting your comprehensive character sheet into individual slices, each representing a different pose or view of your character. These slices are then individually processed through the img2img function, allowing for specific refinements and enhancements to be made on a per-image basis.

One of the most crucial aspects of this stage is the upscaling of images to high resolutions, such as 4k or 8k. This upscaling is instrumental in bringing out the finer details and nuances of your character, ensuring that each image retains the depth and clarity required for a professional-grade result. This high-resolution approach allows you to scrutinize and perfect every element of your character, from the subtleties of facial expressions to the intricate folds of their clothing. It ensures that the final output aligns seamlessly with your original vision, both in terms of aesthetics and quality.

After each round of img2img processing and upscaling, a new character sheet is created. This new sheet becomes the foundation for the next iteration, fostering a continuous cycle of generation, analysis, and refinement. This methodical approach is not just about achieving perfection in each image; it's about developing a coherent and consistent character across all representations. Each cycle brings you closer to a character representation that embodies your vision in its entirety.

An important element to highlight in this process is the intrinsic value of a character sheet in achieving consistency. When the AI generates a character sheet, it strives to create a uniform character across all poses and views. This approach is perhaps the most effective way to ensure a coherent base for your character. Attempting to achieve this level of consistency with individual generations and prompts can be an exceedingly challenging, if not impossible, task. Therefore, the character sheet serves as a critical tool in ensuring that your character maintains uniformity in appearance and style across all iterations.

Throughout this iterative process, both the character sheets and individual images are meticulously used for training the AI. This comprehensive approach ensures that the AI is exposed to a wide array of data, enhancing its capability to produce consistent, high-quality outputs. The emphasis on absolute perfection in each image is not just about aesthetics; it's about providing the AI with the most accurate and detailed data possible. Each image, each detail, contributes to the AI's understanding and ability to replicate your character with fidelity.

In summary, the iterative generation phase in Stable Diffusion SDXL character creation is a testament to the importance of precision and consistency. By leveraging the power of character sheets and engaging in a rigorous process of refinement, you set the stage for creating characters that are not only diverse and rich in detail but also consistent across various poses and expressions. This meticulous approach is what distinguishes a well-crafted character in AI art, ensuring high-quality and coherent renditions in all your creative projects.

4. Refining with Photoshop: Achieving Perfection in Details

The refinement stage in character creation using Stable Diffusion SDXL is where your artwork transitions from great to exceptional. After generating your character's various poses and expressions, the next critical step is fine-tuning these images using Photoshop. This phase is integral to the process, demanding an eye for detail and a commitment to perfection.

Using Generative fill in Photoshop to change the expression

In this stage, you'll employ advanced Photoshop techniques, such as the new generative fill feature or inpainting, to make precise adjustments and corrections. The choice between using Photoshop's features or inpainting with Stable Diffusion is based on which tool provides the best quality for your specific needs. This unbiased approach allows you to select the most effective tool for each task, ensuring that the final output meets the highest standards of quality.

Key areas of focus during this phase include correcting and refining finer details that are crucial for realism and character integrity. For instance, fingers often require meticulous attention to ensure they appear natural and correctly proportioned. Similarly, the eyes, which are pivotal in conveying the character's emotion and personality, may need adjustments for alignment, size, or expression.

Applying a Hue mask to normalize colors

Another crucial aspect is the uniformity of clothing. Consistency in clothing color and texture across different images is essential for maintaining character continuity. This is where color masks come into play. By applying color masks, you can standardize the tone and shade of the clothing, ensuring that the character's attire remains consistent in every image. This step is particularly important when dealing with complex or patterned clothing, where slight variations in color can be jarringly noticeable.

This refinement stage is also the time to address any "ugly parts" or imperfections in the images. These could be anything from awkward poses to unnatural shading or texture irregularities. Each element is scrutinized and adjusted as needed, contributing to the overall cohesiveness and aesthetic appeal of the character.

In summary, refining with Photoshop is a crucial step in the character creation process with Stable Diffusion SDXL. It's an opportunity to bring your character to life with a level of detail and perfection that only human intervention can achieve. By meticulously adjusting and correcting each image, you ensure that every pose and expression of your character is as close to perfect as possible. This phase is about pushing the boundaries of AI-generated art, blending technology with human creativity and precision to create truly exceptional digital characters.

5. Upscaling and Regenerating: Enhancing Image Quality with Precision

After refining your character's images in Photoshop, the next crucial phase in the Stable Diffusion SDXL character creation process is upscaling and regenerating each pose and expression. This step is essential for transforming your base images into high-resolution masterpieces without losing the coherence and consistency you've meticulously built.

High-Res Fixes and Regeneration

The process begins with high-res fixes, where you regenerate your images in tiles. These tiles are then fused to form a larger, more detailed image. This tiling approach allows for a focused enhancement of each section of your character, ensuring that finer details, such as facial features and textures, are rendered with utmost clarity and precision.

For the high-res fixes, the Foolhardy upscaler is a preferred tool. Its ability to enhance image quality while maintaining the integrity of the original design makes it an ideal choice for this phase. The Foolhardy upscaler excels in refining the details without altering the fundamental aspects of your character.

Final Upscaling with R-ESRGAN 4x+

The final and perhaps most crucial step in the upscaling process is employing R-ESRGAN 4x+. This tool is specifically chosen for its effectiveness in illustrations, where detail and texture play a significant role in the overall impact of the image. R-ESRGAN 4x+ is known for its ability to magnify images without compromising on quality, making it an indispensable tool for the final upscale.

Adjusting Denoising Strength

A key aspect of this phase is playing with the denoising strength. This parameter is crucial as it determines how much creative liberty the upscaling process takes versus staying true to the original image. Typically, a denoising strength value between 0.2 and 0.4 strikes the right balance. It allows for sufficient creative interpretation without straying too far from the original design, ensuring that the character retains its coherence. Higher values might lead to unwanted changes or loss of coherence, while lower values might not effectively address the issues or might create jitter.

It's important to note that the high-res fix process can often add more detail to the image, even correcting aspects like eyes, mouth, and hands. This enhancement is crucial for bringing a sense of realism and depth to your character.

For those looking to explore a wide range of upscaling options, a comprehensive collection can be found at Open Model Database. This resource is invaluable for artists looking to experiment with different upscaling techniques and find the perfect fit for their specific project needs.

In summary, the upscaling and regenerating phase in Stable Diffusion SDXL character creation is a delicate blend of art and technology. It involves enhancing each image to achieve high-resolution clarity while carefully maintaining the character's consistency and coherence. By employing tools like Foolhardy upscaler for high-res fixes and R-ESRGAN 4x+ for the final upscale, along with careful adjustment of denoising strength, you can ensure that each image of your character stands out with exceptional quality and detail.

Compiling the Final Dataset: Create a dataset with a range of poses and expressions, maintaining consistent clothing and a white background for each.

Enhancing Future Creations: Incorporate these character sheets into your dataset to improve the quality of future creations.

6. Compiling the Final Dataset: Methodical Training for Flawless Character Consistency

The compilation of the final dataset in Stable Diffusion SDXL character creation is a critical phase where the foundation for future AI training is laid. This dataset, meticulously crafted with a range of poses and expressions, serves as the training material for the subsequent LoRA and Dreambooth models. The meticulous attention to detail in this phase is vital for ensuring that 'Jill the girl' maintains her unique identity across various scenarios and contexts.

Training with LoRA Models

First LoRA Model: The first LoRA model utilizes a small dataset, comprising 8 to 15 images, all set against a white background. This dataset includes diverse poses and a few expressions, ensuring a basic yet comprehensive portrayal of 'Jill the girl.' The captioning here is kept straightforward, like Jill girl or Jill girl, character sheet. The inclusion of character sheets in this dataset is strategic, as it simplifies the generation of additional sheets, laying a strong foundation for character consistency.

Second LoRA Model: For the second LoRA model, the dataset is expanded to include more poses and expressions, totaling 20 to 35 images. The backgrounds remain uniformly white to maintain focus on the character. The captioning in this phase becomes more advanced and descriptive, such as Jill the girl is smiling, looking to the side, white background or Jill the girl, multiple views, various expressions, character sheet, multiple girls. The consistent use of Jill the girl in captions ensures that the AI continuously references and reinforces the specific characteristics of Jill. Including more detailed actions and expressions in the captions aids in generating richer, more diverse character sheets.

Throughout both LoRA training phases, it's crucial to avoid mentioning specific characteristics like hair color or clothing. These attributes are integral to Jill's identity and should remain consistent across all images. This approach ensures that 'Jill the girl' is always recognized and rendered with her unique features intact.

Dreambooth Training: Introducing Context and Scenery

In the Dreambooth training phase, the scope is broadened to include contextual images and scenery. This phase leverages the refined dataset from the second LoRA model to create scenarios where 'Jill the girl' interacts with various environments and situations. Captions like Jill the girl is riding a dragon or Jill the girl running near a river at night are used to generate images where Jill is placed in diverse contexts.

The dataset for Dreambooth training comprises approximately 30 to 40 images on a white background and an additional 20 to 30 contextual images. The predominance of white background images is intentional, ensuring that the AI can effectively distinguish between the character (subject) and the context (object/background). This separation is critical for maintaining Jill's consistency while allowing for creative and varied environmental interactions.

In conclusion, the final dataset compilation is a nuanced and strategic process. It lays the groundwork for AI training models that will consistently produce high-quality, coherent renditions of 'Jill the girl' across various scenarios. By carefully structuring the dataset and training phases, you ensure that Jill retains her unique identity, whether she's depicted in simple poses or complex, dynamic environments. This meticulous approach to dataset compilation and AI training is what enables the creation of rich, consistent, and versatile AI-generated art.

Valuable Resources and Projects for Stable Diffusion

Exploring the world of Stable Diffusion and AI art generation? Here are some noteworthy resources and projects that can significantly enhance your experience:

Kohya's Stable Diffusion Trainers for Windows - Kohya's SD-Trainers GUI: This repository is a treasure trove for those using Windows, offering a Gradio GUI for Kohya's Stable Diffusion trainers. It simplifies the training process by allowing you to set parameters and automatically generate the necessary CLI commands. While it's primarily Windows-focused, Linux users can also benefit from community-provided support. MacOS compatibility, however, is still in its nascent stage.

Streamlined Training with LoRA - LoRA Easy Training Scripts: A collection of Python scripts designed to work with Kohya's SD-Scripts. This set comes with a user-friendly UI created in pyside6, making the model training process more accessible and efficient. It's an excellent resource for those looking to streamline their Stable Diffusion training workflows.

Comprehensive Script Repository - Kohya's SD-Scripts: This repository houses a wide array of scripts for training, generation, and utility purposes in Stable Diffusion. It's a versatile resource that supports various other tools and enhances the overall functionality of your AI art generation projects.

AI Toolkit for Developers - AI Toolkit by Ostris: Focusing on Stable Diffusion, this repository offers various AI scripts. It's an active work-in-progress and is best suited for developers. Non-developers might find it challenging to navigate, but it's a goldmine for those with a technical background.

Modular Stable Diffusion GUI - ComfyUI: Dubbed as one of the most powerful and modular Stable Diffusion GUIs, ComfyUI lets you design and execute advanced Stable Diffusion pipelines using a graph/nodes/flowchart-based interface. It features custom nodes and provides a high degree of customization, ideal for those looking to tailor their AI art generation process.

User-Friendly Browser Interface - Stable Diffusion WebUI by AUTOMATIC1111: A Gradio library-based browser interface for Stable Diffusion, this project stands out for its user-friendliness and ease of use. While it may not offer the flexibility of some other interfaces, it's an excellent starting point for those new to Stable Diffusion, thanks to its intuitive design and custom extensions.

Each of these resources brings unique capabilities to the table, enhancing the Stable Diffusion experience for artists, developers, and enthusiasts alike. Whether you're looking for streamlined workflows, advanced customization, or user-friendly interfaces, these projects offer a wealth of options to explore and incorporate into your AI art generation journey.